Club Football at University of Toledo: Podcast and Promotion

Dylan talks about how he wanted to keep playing football at a collegiate level.

By Aaron Lobenstein

Dylan Brown a senior at the University of Toledo decided back in the spring of 2020 that he wanted to continue his career in playing football at some level in college. He along with a couple others decided to come up with the idea to create a club football team at UT to continue playing competitive tackle football. I myself love football and wanted to promote and create a podcast about this moment of how Dylan has built a club football team at campus in just three years.

I have done podcast and audio work before, but this is the first time I have done a podcast with just a one on one interview. According to Seth Gitner in Multimedia Storytelling For Digital Communications in a Multiplatform World Pg. 307 It is important when going into an interview situation that you’ve done your homework ahead of time. Often, doing a phone interview prior to the shoot can provide a good idea of what questions to ask while the subject is on camera. Even though this quote is for interviews on camera this logic still worked in doing an interview of just audio. I had a pre interview with Dylan asking on background information about him because I wanted to have more questions about himself as well as the club football team.

During the interview Dylan explained on what gave him the idea to create a team along with adversities he had to face along the way and how this opportunity helped build him for the future he wants to have outside of playing football. The interview with him went smoothly I had to ask him some follow up questions to get a much more in detail response to the questions but it was easier for him to do that then try to talk for a whole minute after I ask one question.

Promoting the Podcast

After the recording and posting on Spotify came the time to promote the podcast and use two different tools called Spotify promo cards and headliner app video. Both of these website tools were easy to use but I found that the headliner app was more beneficial because it had the logo of the podcast plus you can play audio from the podcast on the card so people can hear the podcast and know who the person is talking and where you can listen to more about the topic. I haven’t used headliner or Spotify promo card before this, but I have learned that it is an easy way to promote something and make it look very professional and the website did most of the work for me.

This is a story that I felt needed to be shared because there is a lot of guys that play football in high school but don’t go play at the varsity level at college. This gives them comfort that they can go to college and still play football at that competitive level and can make a lot of memories of being involved in something.

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